Dealing With Hair Loss As A Woman

Dealing With Hair Loss As A Woman
Everyone seems to be used to male hair loss, since that happens a lot as men get older. However, a lot of people don't talk about women losing hair, and that happens as well. I know, because it is happening to me.
Female hair loss is not as common as male hair loss, but it does happen. I have a health condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome, which causes some strange things to happen to my body. One of the things that happens is that I lose my hair a little bit.
If you don't know me, I guess you can't really tell. I have learned to live with it pretty well, but I am still trying to hang on to the hair I still have.
I have stopped using heating products to style my hair. That was the first thing I did. I always knew that heat wasn't great for hair, but with my condition it really doesn't help, so I stopped it altogether. I learned natural ways to style my hair, and I got my hair cut into a style that looks cute without having to heat and process my hair every day.
I made sure that I started eating properly. I have really increased the amount of nutrients I'm eating, and I take a multivitamin as well. I think it's worth it to help the hair "from the inside", as I put it. I have also started getting more sleep and getting rid of the stress I have. I think that it is helping. I always lose more hair when I am panicked or worried about something, and I can tell a difference.
I spend time with other women online who have to deal with hair loss. This is such a great thing to do, because only other women going through this know how I feel. The other women make me feel better about what is happening, and have really given me some strength to move on with my life and to stop defining myself with my hair. It's great, because I have even started giving advice to some of the new women who show up. That makes me feel good, because I like to help others and I know how much it means to me to get help.
I have looked at wigs, but I still haven't really gotten to wear them. I don't have anything against wigs, actually. I think they're a great way to have a different look, and I know that there are some really natural looking wigs out there these days.
I haven't decided whether I will get implants or try to regrow the hair that I've lost. I am not sure that I'm that attached to my hair any longer, and I know that the opinions of others don't matter to me as much as my own opinion matters to myself. Losing my hair doesn't mean I'm losing myself, and knowing that makes me feel much better.