Alternative Hair Loss Therapies

Alternative Hair Loss Therapies
Hair loss is quite distressing for males and females and the root cause of the problem varies. Other than medication prescribed by your doctor or over the counter remedies, you should consider using alternative methods to stop your hair from falling out. The other methods you can try include massage, Chinese herbs and aromatherapy, among others.
Massage is used to stimulate blood circulation which will boost a healthy scalp. Vitamin E oil is recommended to strengthen fragile follicles. Regular massage of the oil will prevent dry, flaky skin on your scalp. An alternative oil to use for massage is coconut. Mango oil has been known to improve the texture of hair and is ideal if you have coarse, dry hair.
There is an Indonesian massage method that will relieve scalp tension which aids in the promotion of healthy hair.
• Stand with your feet apart and commence slow in and out breathing.
• Lean your body forward from the waist to a point where your head reaches to a couple of inches below your waist.
• Do not bend your knees.
• Use your knuckles to gently rub your scalp for about half a minute.
• Stand up straight and repeat the process a few times.
Do not use vigorous movements whilst massaging your scalp as this could cause your hair to break and may damage the hair follicles.
Essential oils that are beneficial to prevent hair loss include jojoba, lavender, grapefruit, cedarwood, lemon, rosemary and Roman chamomile. Add two drops of an essential oil into the water you use to rinse your hair.
You could add the essential to a suitable vegetable oil such as olive or coconut and use the mixture to massage your scalp. Either wrap a warm towel around your head or cover your head with a shower cap. Leave this mixture on your head for a period of 2 to 3 hours. If you are comfortable sleeping with this on your head, you could leave it overnight. Thereafter, shampoo and condition your hair as usual.
You can use this oil blend as a recipe to promote hair growth.
• Add a half teaspoon of jojoba and 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil to a jar.
• Add 2 drops of cedarwood, 3 drops rosemary, 2 drops thyme and 3 drops lavender to the oils in the jar and mix well.
• Massage this combination of oils into your scalp for a minimum of two minutes each night.
• Wrap your head with a warm towel and leave for a couple of hours.
You should take care when you use essential oils as some aromatherapy oils may trigger epileptic seizures.
Mesotherapy was originally used to treat vascular diseases, but doctors have discovered that it is suitable as a hair loss prevention method. It not only maintains hair that exists, but it also stops continued hair loss. It has been proven to be effective for women who suffer from post-menopausal hair loss.
These methods to prevent hair loss are effective if you do it on a regular basis. Continue treating your scalp and use gentle products to wash and condition your hair.